Mammals | Birds | Reptiles | Amphibians | Fish | Invertebrates | Vascular Plants | Bryophytes
A total of 23 mammal species listed
Opposum | Didelphis virginiana |
Nine-Banded Armadillo | Dasypus novemcinctus |
Eastern Mole | Scalopus aquaticus |
Short-Tailed Shrew | Blarina brevicauda |
Cotton Rat | Sigmodon hispidus |
Eastern Chipmunk | Tamias striatus |
Deer Mouse | Peromyscus maniculatus |
Eastern Gray Squirrel | Sciurus carolinensis |
Fox Squirrel | Sciurus niger |
House Mouse | Mus musculus |
Southern Flying Squirrel | Glaucomys sabrinus |
Woodchuck | Marmota monax |
Woodland Vole | Microtus pinetorum |
Eastern Cottontail | Sylvilagus floridanus |
Domestic Cat | Felis domesticus |
Bobcat | Lynx rufus |
Domestic Dog | Canis familiaris |
Coyote | Canis latrans |
Mink | Mustela vison |
River Otter | Lutra canadensis |
Raccoon | Procyon lotor |
Striped Skunk | Mephitis mephitis |
White-Tailed Deer | Odocoileus virginianus |
A total of 98 bird species listed
American Woodcock |
Belted Kingfisher |
Black-crowned Night Heron |
Canada Goose |
Common Snipe |
Great Blue Heron |
Green Heron |
Green-winged Teal |
Killdeer |
Mourning Dove |
Ruby-Throated Hummingbird |
Wood Duck |
Yellow-Billed Cuckoo |
Bobwhite Quail |
Wild Turkey |
Bald Eagle |
Barred Owl |
Cooper’s Hawk |
Eastern Screech Owl |
Great Horned Owl |
Red-Shouldered Hawk |
Red-Tailed Hawk |
Sharp-Shinned Hawk |
Turkey Vulture |
Downy Woodpecker |
Hairy Woodpecker |
Northern Flicker |
Pileated Woodpecker |
Red-Bellied Woodpecker |
Red-Headed Woodpecker |
Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker |
American Tree Sparrow |
Baltimore Oriole |
Black and White Warbler |
Black-throated Green Warbler |
Blue Grosbeak |
Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher |
Bluejay |
Brown Creeper |
Brown Thrasher |
Brown-Headed Cowbird |
Cardinal |
Carolina Chickadee |
Carolina Wren |
Cedar Waxwing |
Chipping Sparrow |
Common Grackle |
Common Yellowthroat |
Crow |
Dickcissel |
Eastern Bluebird |
Eastern Kingbird |
Eastern Meadowlark |
Eastern Phoebe |
Eastern Towhee |
Eastern Wood Pewee |
European Starling |
Field Sparrow |
Fox Sparrow |
Golden-crowned Kinglet |
Goldfinch |
Great Crested Flycatcher |
Harris’ Sparrow |
House Finch |
House Sparrow |
House Wren |
Indigo Bunting |
Junco |
Louisiana Waterthrush |
Mockingbird |
Nashville Warbler |
Northern Parula |
Ovenbird |
Philadelphia Vireo |
Prothonotory Warbler |
Purple Finch |
Red-Breasted Nuthatch |
Red-Eyed Vireo |
Red-Winged Blackbird |
Robin |
Rose-Breasted Grosbeak |
Scarlet Tanager |
Song Sparrow |
Summer Tanager |
Swainson’s Thrush |
Tennessee Warbler |
Tufted Titmouse |
Warbling Vireo |
Western Meadowlark |
White-Breasted Nuthatch |
White-Crowned Sparrow |
White-Throated Sparrow |
Wood Thrush |
Yellow Warbler |
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher |
Yellow-Rumped Warbler |
Yellow-Throated Vireo |
Yellow-Throated Warbler |
A total of 24 reptile species listed
Broad-Headed Skink | Eumeces laticeps |
Five-Lined Skink | Eumeces fasciatus |
Ground Skink | Scincella lateralis |
Prairie Lizard | Sceloporus consobrinus |
Western Slender Glass Lizard | Ophisaurus attenuatus |
Six-lined Racerunner | Aspidoscelis sexlineata |
Western Wormsnake | Carphophis vermis |
Eastern Racer | Coluber constrictor |
Ringneck Snake | Diadophis punctatus |
Black Ratsnake | Elaphe obsoleta |
Prairie Kingsnake | Lampropeltis calligaster |
Speckled Kingsnake | Lampropeltis getula |
Coachwhip | Masticophis flagellum |
Northern Watersnake | Nerodia sipedon |
Rough Greensnake | Opheodrys aestivus |
Brown Snake | Storeria dekayi |
Redbelly Snake | Storeria occipitomaculata |
Western Ribbon Snake | Thamnophis proximus |
Eastern Garter Snake | Thamnophis sirtalis |
Copperhead | Agkistrodon contortrix |
Snapping Turtle | Chelydra serpentina |
Ornate Box Turtle | Terrapene ornata |
Three-Toed Box Turtle | Terrapene carolina |
Red-Eared Slider | Trachemys scripta |
A total of 9 amphibian species listed
American Toad | Bufo americanus |
Cricket Frog | Acris crepitans |
Cope’s Gray Treefrog | Hyla chrysoscelis |
Eastern Gray Treefrog | Hyla versicolor |
Spring Peeper | Pseudacris crucifer |
Western Chorus Frog | Pseudacris maculata |
Bullfrog | Rana catesbeiana |
Pickerel Frog | Rana palustris |
Southern Leopard Frog | Rana sphenocephala |
Coming soon!
Coming soon!
Vascular Plants
A total of 229 vascular plant species listed
Unless otherwise noted, we believe each species in this list was naturally found at Pearl Creek Farm or was brought in by the previous owners. We still have some work to do on identifications, of course, and we need some grass and sedge heads to help us!
1 These native species were brought to the farm by us as seed or small plants as part of one of our restoration projects. They did not occur here naturally as far as we know.
2 These species are introduced (non-native) to Missouri and are reluctantly tolerated.
3 These species are introduced (non-native) to Missouri and are actively removed whenever possible, some with extreme prejudice.
4 This species is not native to Missouri but it has a special meaning to Michelle and was planted the summer Julian was born.
Acer negundo | box elder | |
Achillea millefolium | yarrow | 2 |
Ailanthus altissima | tree from hell | 3 |
Alisma subcordatum | southern water plantain | 1 |
Allium | wild onion | |
Ambrosia | ragweed | |
Amelanchier arborea | serviceberry | |
Andropogon virginicus | broomsedge | |
Apocynum | dogbane | |
Aquilegia canadensis | columbine | 1 |
Arisaema dracontium | green dragon | |
Arisaema triphyllum | Jack-in-the-pulpit | |
Asarum canadense | wild ginger | |
Asclepias syriaca | common milkweed | 1 |
Asclepias tuberosa | butterfly milkweed | |
Asclepias verticillata | whorled milkweed | |
Asclepias viridiflora | green comet milkweed | |
Asimina triloba | pawpaw | |
Asplenium platyneuron | ebony spleenwort | |
Atriplicifolium | Indian plantain | |
Baptisia alba | white indigo | 1 |
Baptisia australis | blue indigo | 1 |
Barbarea vulgaris | yellow rocket | 2 |
Bidens | beggar’s tick | |
Bouteloua curtipendula | sideoats grama | 1 |
Brickellia eupatorioides | false boneset | |
Bromus sterilis | barren brome | 3 |
Camassia scilloides | wild hyacinth | 1 |
Campsis radicans | trumpet creeper | |
Cardamine concatenata | toothwort | |
Carduus nutans | musk thistle | 3 |
Carex conjuncta | soft fox sedge | |
Carex lupulina | hop sedge | |
Carex shortiana | Short’s sedge | |
Carex squarrosa | squarrose sedge | 1 |
Carya cordiformis | bitternut (pignut) hickory | |
Carya texana | black hickory | |
Cassia fasciculata | partridge pea | 1 |
Castilleja coccinea | Indian paintbrush | 1 |
Celastrus scandens | American bittersweet | |
Celtis occidentalis | northern hackberry | |
Celtis tenuifolia | dwarf hackberry | |
Cercis canadensis | eastern redbud | |
Chenopodium | lambsquarters | 2 |
Cirsium | native thistle | |
Cirsium vulgare | bull thistle | 3 |
Claytonia virginica | spring beauty | |
Comandra umbellata | bastard toadflax | |
Commelina | dayflower | |
Conyza canadensis | mare’s tail | |
Coreopsis | coreopsis | 1 |
Cornus florida | flowering dogwood | |
Corylus americana | hazelnut | |
Cynodon dactylon | Bermuda grass | 2 |
Cyperus | nut grass | |
Daucus carota | Queen Anne’s lace | 2 |
Desmodium | tick trefoil | 1 |
Dianthus armeria | Deptford pink | 2 |
Diospyros virginiana | persimmon | |
Dodecatheon meadia | shooting star | 1 |
Echinacea pallida | pale purple coneflower | 1 |
Echinacea paradoxa | yellow coneflower | 1 |
Echinacea purpurea | purple coneflower | 1 |
Elaeagnus | autumn olive | 3 |
Eleocharis | spikerush | 1 |
Elephantopus carolinianus | elephant’s foot | |
Elymus canadensis | Canada wild rye | 1 |
Equisetum | horsetail | 1 |
Erigeron strigosus | daisy fleabane | |
Eryngium yuccifolium | rattlesnake master | 1 |
Erythronium | dog-tooth violet | |
Euonymus fortunei | wintercreeper | 3 |
Eupatorium | snakeroot | |
Eupatorium | boneset | 1 |
Festuca arundinacea | tall fescue | 3 |
Forsythia | forsythia | 3 |
Fraxinus americana | white ash | |
Gallium | bedstraw | |
Geranium | cranesbill | |
Geranium maculatum | wild geranium | |
Geum | avens | |
Ginkgo biloba | maidenhair tree | 4 |
Gleditsia triacanthos | honey locust | |
Hedyotis crassifolia | small bluets | |
Helianthus grossoserratus | sawtooth sunflower | |
Helianthus maximilianii | Maximilian sunflower | 1 |
Helianthus mollis | ashy sunflower | 1 |
Hemerocallis fulva | orange day lily | 2 |
Hesperis matronalis | dame’s rocket | 3 |
Hybiscus syriacus | rose of sharon | 2 |
Impatiens capensis | spotted touch-me-not | |
Iris | cultivated iris | 2 |
Juglans nigra | black walnut | |
Juncus | rush | |
Juniperus virginiana | eastern red cedar | |
Krigia | native dandelion | |
Krigia biflora | two-flowered dwarf dandelion | |
Lactuca canadensis | wild lettuce | |
Lamium amplexicaule | henbit | 3 |
Lamium purpureum | dead nettle | 3 |
Lemna | duckweed | |
Lespedeza capitata | roundhead lespedeza | 1 |
Lespedeza cuneata | sericea lespedeza | 3 |
Leucanthemum vulgare | ox-eye daisy | |
Liatris aspera | rough blazing star | 1 |
Liatris pycnostachya | blazing star | 1 |
Lindera benzoin | spice bush | |
Lonicera japonica | Japanese honeysuckle | 3 |
Lonicera maackii | bush honeysuckle | 3 |
Ludwigia alternifolia | rattlebox | 1 |
Maclura pomifera | hedge apple (Osage orange) | 3 |
Maianthemum racemosum | false Solomon’s seal | |
Melilotus | sweet clover | 3 |
Melothria pendula | Guadeloupe cucumber | |
Mimosa quadrivalvis | sensitive briar | 1 |
Mirabilis nyctaginea | wild four-o-clock | |
Monarda | horsemint | |
Morus rubra | red mulberry | |
Muscari | grape hyacinth | 2 |
Narcissus pseudonarcissus | daffodil | 2 |
Nothoscordum | wild garlic | |
Nuphar lutea | spatterdock | 1 |
Nuttallanthus canadensis | blue toadflax | |
Nymphaea odorata | white water lily | 1 |
Oenothera | evening primrose | |
Oenothera biennis | evening primrose | |
Oligoneuron album | white upland aster | 1 |
Onoclea sensibilis | sensitive fern | |
Ornithogalum | star of Bethlehem | 2 |
Oxalis stricta | yellow wood sorrel | |
Panicum | panic grass | |
Panicum virgatum | switch grass | 1 |
Parthenium integrifolium | wild quinine | 1 |
Parthenocissus quinquefolia | Virginia creeper | |
Passiflora incarnata | passion flower | |
Passiflora lutea | passion flower | |
Pedicularis canadensis | common lousewort | 1 |
Pellaea | cliffbrake fern | |
Penstemon pallidus | pale beard-tongue | 1 |
Perilla frutescens | beefsteak plant | 3 |
Phlox divaricata | wild sweet William | |
Phlox paniculata | summer phlox | |
Phryma leptostachya | lopseed | |
Physalis longifolia | ground cherry | |
Phytolacca americana | pokeweed | |
Pilea pumila | clearweed | |
Plantago virginica | hoary plantain | |
Platanus occidentalis | sycamore | |
Poa pratensis | Kentucky bluegrass | 2 |
Podophyllum peltatum | May apple | |
Polygonatum biflorum | Solomon’s seal | |
Polygonum virginianum | Virginia knotweed | |
Polystichum acrostichoides | Christmas fern | |
Potentilla simplex | common cinquefoil | |
Prunus | wild plum | |
Prunus serotina | black cherry | |
Pycnanthemum tenuifolium | slender mountain mint | 1 |
Quercus alba | white oak | |
Quercus imbricaria | shingle oak | |
Quercus marilandica | black jack oak | |
Quercus rubra | red oak | |
Quercus stellata | post oak | |
Quercus velutina | black oak | |
Ranunculus | buttercup | |
Ratibida pinnata | gray-headed coneflower | 1 |
Rhus copallina | winged sumac | |
Ribes missouriense | wild gooseberry | |
Robinia pseudo-acacia | black locust | |
Rosa multiflora | multiflora rose | 3 |
Rosa setigera | prairie rose | 1 |
Rubus | native blackberry | |
Rudbeckia hirta | black-eyed Susan | |
Rudbeckia triloba | brown-eyed Susan | |
Ruellia | wild petunia | |
Rumex | dock | 2 |
Sagittaria | arrowhead | 1 |
Salix | willow | |
Sambucus canadensis | elderberry | |
Sassafras albidum | sassafras | |
Saururus cernuus | lizard’s tail | 1 |
Schizachyrium scoparium | little bluestem | 1 |
Scrophularia marilandica | figwort | |
Scutellaria incana | downy skullcap | |
Senecio | ragwort | |
Senna marilandica | wild senna | |
Silphium integrifolium | rosinweed | 1 |
Silphium laciniatum | compass plant | 1 |
Silphium perfoliatum | cup plant | 1 |
Silphium terebinthinaceum | prairie dock | 1 |
Sisyrinchium campestre | blue-eyed grass | |
Smilax hispida | catbrier | |
Solanum carolinense | horse nettle | |
Solidago | goldenrod | 1 |
Solidago canadensis | common goldenrod | |
Sorghastrum nutans | Indian grass | 1 |
Sorghum halepense | Johnson grass | 3 |
Spiranthes cernua | nodding ladies’ tresses | |
Staphylea trifolia | American bladdernut | |
Stellaria media | chickweed | 3 |
Symphoricarpos orbiculatus | buckbrush (coral berry) | |
Talinum parviflorum | rock pink | 1 |
Taraxacum officinale | common dandelion | 2 |
Teucrium canadense | American germander | |
Thalictrum thalictroides | rue anemone | |
Thaspium barbinode | hairy meadow parsnip | |
Torilis japonica | hedge parsley | 2 |
Toxicodendron radicans | poison ivy | |
Tradescantia | spiderwort | |
Trifolium repens | white clover | 2 |
Trillium | trillium | |
Triodanis perfoliata | Venus’ looking glass | |
Tripsacum dactyloides | eastern gama grass | 1 |
Ulmus americana | American elm | |
Ulmus pumila | Siberian elm | 2 |
Urtica | nettle | |
Valerianella | corn salad | |
Verbascum blattaria | moth mullein | 2 |
Verbascum thapsus | mullein | 3 |
Verbena canadensis | rose verbena | |
Verbena hastata | blue vervain | |
Verbena simplex | narrow-leaved vervain | |
Verbesina alternifolia | wingstem | 1 |
Verbesina virginica | white crownbeard | |
Vernonia | ironweed | |
Viburnum prunifolium | black haw | |
Vinca minor | periwinkle | 3 |
Viola | violet | |
Vitis | wild grape | |
Wolffia | watermeal | |
Zizia aurea | golden alexander | 1 |
A total of 16 bryophyte species listed
Amblystegium varium |
Atrichum angustatum |
Bryoandersonia illecebra |
Bryum argenteum |
Conocephalum conicum |
Ditrichum pallidum |
Fissidens bryoides |
Funaria hygrometrica |
Haplocladium microphyllum |
Hygroamblystegium tenax |
Leskea gracilescens |
Physcomitrium pyriforme |
Plagiomnium ellipticum |
Thuidium delicatulum |
Trichostomum tenuirostre |
Weissia jamaicensis |
I had to look a few of the birds up as I never heard of them. Mom would have loved your list.
Do you remove species from the list when they’re eradicated?
No. As far as I know, Ailanthus and bush honeysuckle no longer live on the place, but I’m sure they could make a reappearance. Those are the only two I could make any valid eradication claim. The multiflora rose and tall fescue are on the run, though.