There aren’t many of them, but a few Spring Beauties (Claytonia virginica) and Toothwort (Dentaria laciniata) started blooming at Pearl Creek Farm, probably just today. We went out for a hike looking this morning and found nothing.

In my first post on non-native and invasive species, I explained the definition of these terms, gave several common examples, and explained why these terms are not synonyms. Let’s leave the general topic of non-native behind for a bit and concentrate on invasive species only. What makes them “bad” and why are they so successful?
Continue reading Why are invasive species so successful and so bad?
So, I’m a bit late posting this since we appear to be out of the woods, so to speak. Yesterday, we went through some preparation for the ice storm forecast. That included saving back some water and storing the pictured wood in the garage for easy access.
Last year, we converted our gas fireplace back to burn wood again in anticipation of another ice storm that didn’t really materialize. The thought behind this was that we could live through a day or two without power if we could keep a fire burning.
Continue reading Firewood for the ice storm that never happened